Team building

in the historical centre of Prague

hodnocení hry

City Game Prague, team building activities highly rated by companies .





An outdoor team building activity that combines fun, cultural experience and teamwork.

Modern and simple communication with the game environment takes place via mobile phone on WhatsApp.


Choose your team building game

Emperor's gold

Play a team game in the historic centre, Prague Castle and the castle grounds. Discover and crack the secret codes that lead to recipes for gold.

In the game you will be transported to the time of Emperor Rudolf II, a time that earned Prague the praiseworthy nickname "Golden Prague". The court of the Emperor and Prague Castle was full of fashion and art, scientists, alchemists and astronomers. Science was often associated with magic and contributed to the creation of secret symbols, omens and secret ciphers.

The game starts on Lesser Town Square and ends in the courtyard of Prague Castle.

The game contains a total of 24 questions and tasks. Players move in Neruda's Street, Hradčany Square, around the Loreto, the New World and in the individual courtyards of Prague Castle. They observe the connections at the facades of houses, examine plague columns, statues, churches, etc. During the game, players solve tasks in mathematics, logic, alchemy, astrology, Latin and understanding texts. In the event of wrong answers, the game progressively prompts until the correct answer is obtained.

Will the players eventually obtain the legendary Philosopher's Stone ?

The game lasts on average around 2 hours.

Price 395 CZK / person ( EUR 15,80 / person )

Holy Grail

Select the game Search for the Holy Grail in the style of an outdoor escape game. Players immerse themselves in an ancient story that takes them through the most beautiful corners of the Lesser Town in style.

The game tests the team members' qualities, their judgment and orientation skills. It is played on time, so the game can indicate how team members behave under time pressure. Each wrong answer or requested clue adds extra penalty minutes, which are then counted towards the overall score.

The game starts in the park Vojanovy sady, is played in Mala Strana and around Kampa Park and ends in Hroznova Street near the mill wheel.

The game contains a total of 15 stations. Players move and explore the context of places such as parks, gardens, statues, churches, the river, trees, Lennon's Wall, etc. Players solve tasks in logic, numbers, imagination, understanding texts, Latin or Roman numerals.

The result of the game is then a guide to obtaining the Holy Grail 🙂

The game usually lasts 1,5 - 2 hours.

Price 295 CZK / person ( EUR 11,80 / person )

 Charles Bridge Mysterium 

A fun interactive quiz where the energy of the Charles Bridge will engulf you. The stone statues with their historical aura will stimulate your curiosity and competitiveness.

A completely original outdoor game The Secret of Charles Bridge. Your group will enjoy the interactive environment of this historical gem, where they will test their skills, memory and creativity at every turn. This game is full of tricks. Touch the Middle Ages - and put your players' skills to the ultimate test with a total of 35 tasks and questions. In the final evaluation, we will compile a table of the best teams.

The game starts on Křížovnické náměstí where the Charles Bridge begins, it is played along the entire length of the bridge back and forth and ends again on Křížovnické náměstí.

Players will explore a total of 32 statues on and around the Charles Bridge. Each statue introduces itself and asks for a task, which requires the use of observation, logic, imagination, memory, understanding of texts, etc.

The game is designed as a quiz, each question offers a choice of 3 possible answers. Players will receive their and overall results after the game. This game will definitely stretch both brain hemispheres of the players.

The game can take 1.5 - 2 hours to complete.

Price 245 CZK / person ( EUR 9,80 / person )

We take care of you from A to Z

Game teams under your control

The group leader should have an overview of where his teams are. We will therefore send you a game plan and a map showing the different points, start and end of the game. Do not show this information to the players to avoid spoiling their experience of the game.

Choose which language the game will run in

All games are prepared in Czech and English. Each player can decide in which language to play the game on their phone before starting the game.

Let teams or players compete against each other

Your group is definitely eager for adventure, fun and competition. Form teams - players on the same team will start together and work together to progress through the game.

We will deliver the results to you

Proper teambulding needs a final evaluation 🙂 We will send you a link to a table with the ranking of your teams and their scores.

Group size is not a factor

Doporučíme Vám herní schéma na míru vaší skupiny a podle Vašeho zadaného časového rámce.
Můžete tak odstartovat komorní tembulding, třeba jeden nebo dva týmy.  Nebo nastavíme postupný start pro větší skupiny - klidně okolo 100 lidí. 

Team bulding City Game
draw all players into the action


hodnocení 5 hvězdiček

We were really excited

We organized teambuilding for 24 people. We hosted colleagues from Belgium and decided to try the Holy Grail game from City Game Prague. And we were incredibly impressed. The communication before the event was absolutely great. We were given clear instructions to make everything work for such a large number of people. The requirements were met to my expectations. We discovered great places during the game, clues came as needed, the game is very well prepared. Definitely recommend for a corporate event !!!

Terezac P., Johnson & Johnson 

hodnocení 5 hvězdiček

Great team bulding

We ended up playing both games - Charles Bridge and Holy Grail on Kampa - and had a really great teambulding activity. It was fun, something new for all of us....and also great both because of the game itself and because I got to see my colleagues from a completely different perspective and in a different environment than in the office. Moreover, we managed to do both games in a great time :-). So we definitely recommend....and.....We are looking forward to the new upcoming games from City Game Prague.

Michal L., Nestle

hodnocení 5 hvězdiček

The game absorbed us

As part of a teambuilding event, my colleagues and I went back to the Middle Ages for two hours and the game completely absorbed us. We really enjoyed the whole 120 minutes, from the first task to the last. After a rather slow start, we gradually picked up the pace and eventually managed to finish the game in the top 20 best teams. Great fun and full of experiences. We are going to try the second game soon. We can only recommend this event to everyone !!!

David S., My Companion

What do you get from us for teambulding?

Easy start

After ordering the game, we'll send you basic instructions, an address and a link to a map so you can easily get to the launch site.


The teambulding client can have control over his players - he will know their route and individual locations for solving tasks.

Web cam

During the game Charles Bridge Mystery, you will get a link to a non-public webcam that captures the Charles Bridge in real time and you can play your groups there.


After you have played your games, we will send you lists of all the places that were part of the game with interesting information.


After the end of the game you will receive a table of results for each player or team.


For all teambulding groups booked
in the period to 30.6.2025 we offer a cashback of 10%.

Your event can then take place anytime before 31.12. 2025.

Just write CASHBACK in the note.

Questions and Answers

Venkovní hry - lampa

1. Where do the games begin and end?

Each game has a starting point. The game The Mystery of Charles Bridge starts and ends at the Cross Square. The Holy Grail game starts on U lužického Seminary Street and ends on Hroznová Street.

2. Is it possible to set the start and end time of the game?

You can choose the start of the Holy Grail game according to the season and the opening times of the individual game elements. In summer it is from 9 am to 5 pm, in winter from 10 am to 2 pm. You can play Charles Bridge at any time during daylight hours. However, we recommend less tourist-exposed times.

3. How many players can play in one team ?

Create teams according to your needs - we recommend 4-5 players per team. Players in a team can collaborate and confer on the correct answer. Or, conversely, each answer for themselves and find out in the end who was the most skillful.

4. Even if the players have no prior knowledge, will they be able to play ?

It doesn't depend on historical knowledge or the local history of the area. And whether you're visiting for the first time or have lived here for years. The games give everyone similar chances. All the answers are hidden around you. We also recommend that you always read the assignment very well.

5. Is it possible to pause the game?

It is possible to pause and resume the game of Charles Bridge at any time. While the Holy Grail game is played on time, the player can pause it for 30 minutes and the timer will start when the game is restarted.

6. What language is the game in?

You can choose to communicate with the game either in Czech or in English right at the start of the game.

7.If more than one team starts in a row, will they interfere with each other on the route?

Generally, each team moves at a different speed and teams will start a few minutes apart, they may meet and overtake each other at certain points, but it is certainly not a hindrance to the game.On the contrary, each encounter with another team adds adrenaline to the next progression 🙂

8.Will my phone work?

Mobile data and the WhatsApp app installed are the prerequisites. International phone numbers must also have mobile data activated for the location.

9. How much will it cost me to play the game?

Communication with the game will be completely free for you if you have a mobile data download plan on your mobile phone. The mobile data volume for the game is approximately 10 Mb.

10. What phone number should I use to start the game?

After ordering the game, you will receive simple instructions. Use the QR code to join the WhatsApp conversation. Or enter the phone number you received for the game directly into the WhatsApp app.

11. How long does the game take to return an answer?

You will always get an answer immediately or within a few seconds, depending on the game settings.

12. How to pay ?

We will issue an invoice for the ordered teambuilding, you can pay online through a payment gateway, by credit card or by bank transfer.

Non-binding inquiry

If you want us to prepare an outdoor teambuilding event for you City Game Prague, please fill in the form.


Please indicate all your special requirements and we will offer you a solution immediately.