Treasure hunt games in Prague
in the style of escape games

Play via WhatsApp chat

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Treasure hunt Prague game Charles Bridge


A fun interactive quiz where the energy of the Charles Bridge will absorb you. The stone statues with their historical aura will stimulate your curiosity and competitiveness.

The interactive quiz game.

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Price only 39 EUR per group.

Treasure hunt Prague game Holy Gral


Explore the corners of the Lesser Side and see if you can discover the essence of the relic that is the Elixir of Life and the Philosopher's Stone?

The interactive outdoor game.

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Price only 49 EUR per group.

Prague experience via online chat

Sightseeing has never been so much fun. City Game Prague are interactive outdoor games and quizzes guided simply via WhatsApp messenger chat.
It's a fun way to discover beautiful and mysterious places in the centre of Prague, such as Charles Bridge.

Instantly play now.

Better than reading text

...take a look at how it works

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