Emperor's Gold

Maybe you didn't catch all the details your guide Scott has prepared for you on your journey to gold. Here you will find each of its points, with the correct procedure.

Here you can compare your result with other players.

0. Solution of the final code "VITRIOL"

The paintings from the time of Rudolf II offer 4 clues to solve the final code which is VITRIOL:


? According to Master Brahe, you wrote the elements of the Sun, Earth and Moon according to the distances and added the letters in the correct order.

? According to Kelly, the snake "oroboros" told you how to place the letters at the vertices of the triangle and the square.

? According to the ingenious Scotty, you replaced the numbers with the Roman 5="V", 49="IL" and added "TRIO" to the riddle instead of the 3 odd eights. That expresses eternity, infinite possibilities, or limitless imagination.

If you're familiar with Latin, you could have added the letters you collected to the words in Rudolph's circle just enough to make sense and preserve the meaning.

Task in the game


You correctly read the resulting cipher from the top of the triangle, according to the snake from left to right.

1. Plague Column on Lesser Town Square

The Plague Column on Lesser Town Square in Prague is one of the most important Baroque monuments in the city centre. The monumental stone structure was built in 1681-1702 as a thanksgiving for the end of the devastating plague epidemic.

The column is richly decorated with statues of Czech patrons and is dominated by a statue of the Virgin Mary, a symbol of protection against plague and disease. The Plague Column is one of the most prominent landmarks of the Lesser Town and is an important Baroque monument of the Czech Republic.

Task in the game

The shape of the water tank along with the combination of the letter "AE" in the Latin name helped you find the fountain of life.

2. Fragner's Pharmacy At the Black Eagle


Corner pharmacy is part of the house.


Task in the game

U-cerneho-orla - znak

You were looking for a symbol whose shedding of skin is considered a sign of new beginnings and renewal. Its venom symbolizes fear, but also a cure.

3. Neruda Street with house signs

Nerudova ulice

The townhouses in the street, often marked with a house sign, are mostly of medieval origin.
They have vaulted Gothic cellars, and usually also have storey extensions with painted beamed ceilings. Today they have late Baroque or Classical facades.

Task in the game

zlaté znamení

In the street, you were looking for house signs with golden elements on them.


You also had to choose the right cup.

4. Nerudova street (No.48) house with all-seeing eye

U Zlaté hvězdy

The House of the Golden Star (also House of the Three Kings) is a three-storey corner house in Prague 1 in Hradčany.


It is also distinctive thanks to its location: it closes Nerudova Street at its upper end, Úvoz Street starts to the left, the "Radnické stairs" start to rise on the right and Ke Hradu Street opposite.

Task in the game

čtverec na křižovatce

This is where your hunt for gold ended. You solved, also using picture substitution, the number of this magic square, which gives the same sum of all columns, rows and diagonals.

5. Statue with a sword above the Town Hall steps

socha s mecem

The statue of Archangel Michael on the corner of the Tuscan Palace in Hradčany is not the only decoration of the former nobleman's residence.


The rich facade of the palace is adorned with two Tuscan coats of arms and also a sculptural decoration on the attic, which consists of the allegory of the "Seven Liberal Arts" by Jan Brokoff (from left: Grammar, Dialectics, Rhetoric, Astrology, Arithmetic, Music, Geometry).

Task in the game


Here you were looking for the first letter for the final gold formula hidden in the philosopher's stone.

5.1 The House of the Black Ox in Loretánská Street

loretánská ulice směrem k hradu

In Loretánská Street, in the direction from the castle, there is a house called U Černého vola on the left.

The origin of the name of the house is unclear. The house has historically documented many names such as U svého Lukáše, U Mariánského obraz, also U Bílé růže.

It was not until the 18th century that the phrase "At the Black Ox" appeared more frequently. As a rule, it is stated that it was created by mistake when a scribe misspelled ( and corrupted ) the name of one of the neighbouring houses, which was "At the Black Eagles".

Task in the game

dům U černého vola

A house with false windows directed you to the next path to the Loreto Palace.

6. Loreta

Loreta - zvonkohra

The Loreto House "Santa Casa" is a building that originally stood in Nazareth, Palestine, and witnessed the mysterious and sacred moment of the "Incarnation".


As the fame of the Italian Loreto grew, copies of these buildings began to appear in the Westerlands from the 16th century onwards - derivative pilgrimage sites that more or less successfully imitated the architecture of the original Marian house.

Task in the game

loreta hodiny

Here on the tower, under the chimes on the clock face, you will find the moon symbol.

6.1 Kapucínská Street leads to Nový Svět

podloubí Kapucínská

You walked through an arcade with false windows into a street that since the 14th century has been called "Back New World".


Today, the "Capuchin" street in Hradčany connects Loretánské náměstí with Nový Svět Street.


Since 1870 it has been named after the oldest Capuchin monastery in Bohemia, founded in 1600.

Task in the game


The street flows into a unique part of Prague, also called "Nový Svět" street. You were directed by a fish on the facade of a house.

7. House of Tycho de Brahe

dům Tycho de Brahe

House at the Golden Foot No. 76/1.

In 1600 there used to be an inn here.

After arriving in Prague, the Danish astronomer, astrologer and alchemist Tycho de Brahe stayed there. Brahe was considered to be the best and most accurate observer of the starry sky, who was surpassed only sixty years after the invention of the telescope.

He lived in an inn until he moved to a house in Pohořelec, Prague.

There is a commemorative plaque on the house.

The grave of the famous astrologer is located in the Týn Cathedral.

Task in the game

de Braha element Zeme

Here on the plaque in this astronomer's name you have found, by "separating" the Earth element, the other 2 letters for the final gold formula hidden in the philosopher's stone.

7.1. Around the church on Hradčanské nám.

Vojenský kostel Nepomucký

In 1713, the sisters of the Order of St. Voršila asked the Emperor to give them the land on which the Imperial Hospital used to stand so that they could build a church in addition to their monastery (the present barracks of the Castle Guard).

This land was granted to them in 1719 and a year later the construction of the church began on it.

Following a decision of the Chief of the General Staff of the Army of the Czech Republic, the church was opened to the public on 1 May 2002 as a place of prayer for all fallen soldiers and for peace throughout the world.

Task in the game

Jan Nepomucký

John of Nepomuk here blessed your further journey and directed you to your next task.

8. Marian Column on Hradčany Square

Morový sloup Hradčany

The most common Marian scenes on the columns are the Immaculata, the Madonna ( Virgin Mary ), the Assumpta and a number of pilgrimage Marian images.

In Hradčany Square, there is a very picturesque plague column with a statue of the Virgin Mary on top and nine figures of saints perched on an interestingly shaped plinth.

Task in the game

Marianský sloup

An apocalyptic woman clothed with the sun, with the Earth encircled by a serpent under her feet and a crown of twelve stars around her head.

8.1 Map of Prague Castle


9. Castle well in the second courtyard of the castle


In total, about twenty old wells were gradually discovered at the Castle, mostly dating back to the Romanesque or Gothic period. They are no longer used today, having previously played an important role in the water supply.

Task in the game

hradní studna

A gold ring on the wrought-iron grille of the well marked the next letter needed.

10. Chapel of the Holy Cross in the second courtyard of the castle

kaple sv. Kříže

The area of today's second courtyard was in the Middle Ages first part of the forecourt, later cut by the castle moats.

In the Renaissance, especially in the time of Rudolf II, a courtyard was created with the western and northern castle gates, surrounded by representative living and gallery spaces.

The Chapel of the Holy Cross at Prague Castle is a late Baroque building in the second courtyard. Currently it serves as an exhibition hall for the exposition of the St. Vitus Treasure.

Task in the game

Kaple sv. Kříže

By the principle of conjunction, by lining up the inscriptions connected on a straight line above the apostles, you have obtained another letter.

11. Lion fountain in the second courtyard of the castle


The Lion's Fountain is named after the sculptures on the column, also called Leopold's Fountain.

The lower tank is supported by the figures of the ancient gods Mercury, Vulcan, Neptune and Hercules, the upper one is carried by two Tritons.

The top is topped by a sphere supported by three lions.

Task in the game


On the fountain you found a golden letter in stone coats of arms.

12. Great South Tower of St. Vitus Cathedral, Third Courtyard

sv. Vít

The great south tower, as part of the Cathedral of St. Vitus, Wenceslas and Vojtěch, was probably built in 1396 according to a project by Petr Parléř in the Gothic style.

In the 16th century, the construction of the tower continued in the Renaissance style.

The tower also has its own unusual clockwork of the astronomical clock type from 1589, financed by Emperor Rudolf II.

Task in the game

R na věži

The golden letter with a crown on the south tower under the clock is associated with the name of the emperor.

13. Element of the sun on the castle's proboscis


The new rectory at Prague Castle stands on the site of two medieval/early modern houses: the house of the castle governor and the house of the chief scribe.

Later, the houses were used by the abbesses of the neighbouring monastery of St. George.

Task in the game


The golden symbols above the dormers of the clerestory ( provosthood ) are symbols of the Sun, the last collected element.

14. Vikarka restaurant


Vikárka is an inn that has been there since time immemorial.

In 1347, Emperor Charles IV gave the local vicarage the right to brew its own beer.

At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, local beer was supplied to the entire Castle and its inhabitants, including Emperor Rudolf II, as well as to alchemists who had their workshops in the local underground.

In Rudolf's spacious foundry they tried to produce gold and the philosopher's stone.

Task in the game


The images of the old documents contain clues for solving the final cipher enclosed in a triangle with a square and a circle inscribed. This symbol indicates the philosopher's stone.

15. VITRIOL = Philosopher's Stone


The 7 letters in a circle represent the path to personal growth, transformation and attainment of the deep mysteries of existence.

The quadrature of the circle - the alchemical symbol for the philosopher's stone - illustrates the interplay of the four elements of matter and is the result of the so-called "Great Work".

Vitriolic" oil or "sulfuric acid" was used in the synthesis of "lapis philosophorum" - the philosopher's stone. The unique property of "sulphuric acid" is that it dissolves metals, all except gold, on which it has no effect.

Task in the game


The formula "VITRIOL" is an alchemical acronym that symbolizes the philosopher's stone.


Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem


That is, "Visit the interior of the earth, by cleansing you will find the hidden stone."

It is also used as a metaphor for spiritual transformation and the search for hidden truth.


So you are also one step closer.


Dear player, if you enjoyed my catches, learned something along the way and had some fun, I'd be glad if you share your opinion with other players.

Greetings Lord God!

Alessandro Scotta, court of Emperor Rudolf II.